Happy L. Maher was introduced to the world of GMCKS Pranic healing and Arhatic yoga through a spiritual seeking and a self-development journey. While working on himself, he encountered an invisible wall that he was not able to overcome and breakthrough. In this moment, he had an instinct that he must learn something that he does not know anything about. After another year of searching, he got introduced to the teaching of GrandMaster Choa Kok Sui of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga. This has helped him to know the inner and energetic struggles he is encountering and get into a journey, which continues

Happy is a Pranic healer, a coach, and a leadership development expert. As a healer, he has worked with individuals in-person and online to heal them from physical and psychological sickness. As a coach and a leadership development expert, he worked with groups, teams, and leaders online and in-person to grow and create the impact they want in their life.
Happy L. Maher is here to join you in your healthy, wealthy, and meaningful life and business.
Happy holds three academic degrees in psychology, business, and engineering. Additionally, he is working on his Associate Certified Pranic Healer (ACPH). He is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) from the International Coaching Federation (ICF), and a Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) from the society of Human resources (SHRM).

About Grand Master Choa Kok Sui
GMCKS founded Pranic healing and Arhatic yoga after depth study and wide experiments. He Wrote over 20 books translated to over 30 languages. He traveled the world healing and teaching thousands of people. He institutionalized his mission by creating many organizations to spread what alleviate the suffering of humankind. He was born to a wealthy family and was a businessman and millionaire before establishing Pranic healing different organizations to serve this cause. He created several humanitarian projects, which feed the hungry and provide healing to the sick. He touched lots of souls in his lifetime and after he left the body.
To know more about GMCKS, https://masterchoakoksui.bio/