Happy Maher

Happy helps leaders and teams overcome their current comfort levels and achieve a more productive, positive, and fulfilling state.

about happy

Happy is a Pranic healer, a coach, and a leadership development expert. As a healer, he has worked with individuals in-person and online to heal them from physical and psychological sickness. As a coach and a leadership development expert, he worked with groups, teams, and leaders online and in-person to grow and create the impact they want in their life.

Happy L. Maher is here to join you in your healthy, wealthy, and meaningful life and business.


Teams and leaders coaching and Pranic healing

A great complement for the initial team coaching session. In these 2-hours coaching follow up session,

  • Team reviews its progress,
  • Team celebrates successes and learns from other events,
  • Pranic Healing to reduce stress and increase psychological health, and
  •  Team set the tone for the next weeks
    [Suitable for a leadership team of five]

US $699

A comprehensive team effectiveness coaching and healing half-day session

A comprehensive team effectiveness coaching and healing half-day session
Through this option, your team gain:|

  • Clarity on Team Performance and/or Developmental goals and action plan,
  • Leadership Developmental and/or Performance Plans for each of the leadership team,
  • Pranic Healing to reduce stress and increase psychological health, and
  • Team set the tone for the whole engagement
    [Suitable for a leadership team of five]

US $1399

360 Leadership Assessment / Development / Healing Session

In a unique way, Happy help you grow as a leader by: 

  • Meeting your team individually and report to you what your stakeholders advise you. 
  • This is followed by an individual development plan to utilize this knowledge practically, 
  • Pranic healing to help be more acceptance of these new changes in your effectiveness as a leader and eliminate any obstacle or resistance to perform to your potential. 

US $999


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